Journeys to Israel Update

Rarely in our 50-year history has EO seen the situation in the Middle East peaceful. Since the early 1990s, we have seen 2 Gulf Wars, a wave of terrorism, 9/11, the 2nd Intifada, the 2nd Lebanon War, multiple Gaza conflicts, the Arab Spring, and the Egyptian Revolution. Few of these came with warning, but throughout all of these events, the safety of our guests remained our priority. No pilgrim was harmed in Israel or the West Bank during these events.

Our guests in the Holy Land remain safe and able to tour select areas in Israel. Guests are also beginning their extension to Jordan or flying home via Jordan. Cruise guests who were supposed to call on Israel today have been diverted to Limassol.

We will contact each guest via email when specific information about their departure becomes available. Cruise guests scheduled to call on Israel later this month will receive emails about port substitutions. Their cruises will still embark as scheduled.

Our prayers and condolences continue to remain with the victims and their families.

If you are a family member of a guest currently traveling and would like to speak with us, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at 1 (800) 247-0017.